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Zemco EMG 2 & 4 channel

Zemco EMG 2 & 4 channel – Electromyograph

ZMT EMG series

ZMT EMG Series is clinically customized for quick and flexible operation. Machine can be totally customized for various tests, nerves, muscles and sites with complete choice of amplifier, filter & sweep settings and also analytical settings like markers, their normative values for auto searching on one time basis.

Hardware is fully controlled by Software allowing complete settings to be implemented for each test automatically without bothering the user. This makes the machine the fastest of its kind without compromising the flexibility to perform large variety of tests with extremely detailed customization.

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  • Zemco EMG 2 & 4 channel

    Zemco EMG 2 & 4 channel

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      Zemco EMG 2 & 4 channel

      Zemco EMG 2 & 4 channel

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      Zemco EMG 2 & 4 channel – Electromyograph

      ZMT EMG series

      Portability Solution

      • Compact, lightweight operational panel
      • Data communication through a single USB
      • Battery operated machine
      • On-Screen Impedance check
      • In-built speaker for EMG test
      • Suitable for use in bedside recording
      • Reports can be e-mailed or transferred across a network

      EPs (Evoked Potentials)

      • Upto 16 wave scan be recorded
      • Left/Right side scan be compared on a single screen
      • Double buffered (odd/even) averaging technique. Both odd/even or the normalized average can be viewed
      • User definable marks which gets auto marked on the wave
      • SEP,VEP,BERA,MLR,LLR,P-300
      • Auto Protocol with user-defined intensities is provided for fast Hearing

      Threshold measurements along with Latency-Intensity graph

      • Guide detailed for showing various electrode placements in all EPs along with expected waveforms

      EMG (Electromyography)

      • Two/Four channel acquisition
      • Large amount of data storage which can be replayed with audio
      • Easy to choose muscle from a well organized list for testing and scoring. Scoring options are user definable
      • Continuous/Rasterized display.
      • Surface EMG, SP Activity, Interference Pattern, Triggered EMG, Single Motor Unit Potential, Turn/Amplitude analysis can be done on a single screen
      • Advanced quantitative EMG for classifying MUPs into different bins depending upon morphology
      • Manual/Auto MUPs selection for analysis
      • Transferdatain MS-EXCEL, TXTOR CSV file(optional)
      • Guide for commonly used muscles describing its location and needle insertion positions NCS (Nerve Conduction Studies)
      • AutoLatency/Amplitude marking with user-definable measurements
      • Separate test customization for each Nerve
      • More than one nerve can be tested on a single screen
      • Individual sweep and sensitivity for each trace which is adjustable even after the acquisition
      • Direct dragging of markers and traces with mouse
      • Motor and sensory tests can be done on the same screen.

      Flatencies can be marked while doing MNC test its self

      • Multiple sets for recording RNS/Decrement waves
      • Definable number of traces in all tests
      • Split Screen for viewing Ipsi and Contra recordings in Blink Reflex test
      • Built in wizard for help on electrode placements and stimulus sites for various nerves
      • Fully isolated shock stimulator and amplifiers for patient safety


      • SSR:(Sympathetic Skin Response)
      • VEMP: ( Vestibular Evoked Myogentic Potential) l RR(HRV):(RR Intervalor Heart Rate Variability)

      Frequency Intensity Presentation Click duration

      Envelopes White Noise Rate

      : 0.5 Hz to 8000 Hz
      : 0-110 dB nHL or 30-140 dB SPL
      : Left, right or both ears
      : 100 μs square wave clicks. Rarefaction,

      condensation or alternating polarity
      : Linear, Gausian, Black man, Hanning
      : Contra lateral masking from 0 dB to 80 dB nHL : User definable

      A/D Convertor: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 21, 32, 64 : Available

      16 bit analog-digital conversion


      Number of averages per channel upto 9999

      Electrical Stimulator

      Duration Repetition rates: 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50, 1.0 ms

      Isolation Electrical range: 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 PPS

      standard or any user-definable value: Electrically isolated stimulator with independent controls
      : 0-100 mA with adjustable duration, intensity and repetitive rate

      Power supply Battery

      : 19V DC , 3.4A through Adaptor : 14.8V / 2.2 Amp (2200 mAh), Li-ion rechargeable

      Auditory Stimulator

      Type: Headphone
      Stimulus : Click(Rare, Comp., Alt), Pips

      EMG Cart (optional)

      Two tier, heavy duty cart made of pre-laminated 18 mm thick board with Dimensions : 745 (H) x 765 (W) x 465 (D) in mm

      • Castors having locking arrangement
      • One pull out shelf for computer keyboard
      • One pull out shelf for accessories etc
      • Bottom shelves for printer, PC tower
      • Mounting bracket for flexible arm EMG stand

      ZMT EMG series – Technical Specifications

      Visual Stimulator (optional)

      Power Supply

      monochrome VEP monitor for black and white or color with user programmable colors, pattern reversal check board stimulation, vertical bars, horizontal bars. Features center fixation target, independent quadrant and half field stimulation

      Minimum PC/laptop Configuration

      OS: Windows 10 Professional (64bit) or higher, Processor: Intel i3 10th Generation 2.5 GHz or higher, Hard Disk 500 GB or higher, RAM 4GB or higher, USB Port/Serial Port, CD/DVD Optical Drive and High Resolution LED/TFT


      Square sizes
      Flash mode
      Rate :
      Flash/ Pattern stimulus selectable for right, left or both eyes PHOTIC FLASH STIMULATOR (optional)

      KEYPAD (optional)

      Start Up Kit

      EMG/NCV Disc Electrodes, Sensory Ring Electrodes, EMG Needle Electrodes, Stimulating Electrodes, Ground Electrode, Bar Electrode, EP Electrode, Jumper Cable, Conductive Gel & EP Paste, Measuring Tape & Marker

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